Cloud Services Software

Cloud Services

At OQZA, we do not regard the Cloud as a solution by itself. Our Cloud is one way of implementing our solutions differently in your company. You do not necessarily have to purchase and maintain security, wireless Internet and telephone exchanges yourself. In the Cloud, you just use them and you pay according to usage.


Business cards, letterhead, envelopes and brochure are often the first line of exposure your company has with potential clients. Business cards act as the primary and most economical leave behind item, making a statement about your company long after you have left the place. Business cards are also often used as reference cards for business contacts, and because of this it is important that your card not only incorporate the look and feel of your company, but also show the professionalism level you wish to convey. Letterhead and envelopes compliment the function of business cards giving your corporate look and feel a sense of completion and professionalism, thus building your overall branding.

Brochure design is an essential tool for marketing as it interacts directly with the customer. It makes the communication between an organization and its target audience effective and efficient as compared to other marketing tools such as billboards and electronic or print advertisements. In other ways, A brochure design is a detailed version of the product’s promotion.

We at OQZA are committed to create impressive designs that work with all your established branding, marketing materials as well as web designs.


  • Expert qualified team
  • Competitive pricing
  • Focused on client satisfaction
  • Dedicated technical support team
  • Believe in Quality
  • Meeting deadlines
  • Creative skills
  • Optimized techniques
  • Advanced methodology
  • Complete IT solutions under roof
Voice and Network Consultancy

Network Health Check

7-Day Analysis of Your Network


Today’s most successful businesses rely on their network for critical business operations. When your network isn’t performing, your business isn’t either – and – VoIP call quality is directly impacted by the performance of your network. Sign up for our OQZA Network Health check and we’ll do an intensive, week-long network analysis, help you know what’s happening and how it is performing, and send you a plan for making needed improvements. To get started, simply sign up below.

Sign Up For Your Network Health Check


Get started today with a OQZA Network Health Check, a seven day on-site monitoring solution. Our team will work with you to deploy the OQZA monitoring solution. Over the course of seven days, performance data will be collected and reviewed. We’ll prepare a performance improvement plan based on the results and present it to your team at your convenience.

To get started, or for more information, simply send us an email with your contact details and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

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